
Explosion Tape Mani

Hi girls! Today I'm going to post my old explosion tape manicure photo. I got the tutorial from other nail blogger, but I forgot her name, I'm sorry! ^^v

Please just ignore my sweet finger, I accidentally cut my finger while I was cleaning my scissor to cut the tape -_-
But anyway don't you think the animal printed bandage looks cute? hihi XD

Maybe you can't clearly see what colors that i painted on my nails. Well, let me explain it one by one. I put on the explosion shaped mani on my nails right after I let my base coat dry. Then I paint one third of my nail (the lower part) with light pink polish, it's the one that I hold in photo.
And I paint the upper part with dark pink, sorry that i don't show the polish on photo ^^v. And i let the center part unpolished.

Then I paint a layer of silver glitter polish on my nails. After I  got it dry, I pulled off all the tapes and started draw black outline for the explosion effect. For the final touch i apply a layer of top coat.
I know that the result wasn't so good since it was my first attempt on tape mani, but honesty I really liked it ^ ^

Have a wonderful day, friends! :)


A new giveaway from Holly and Polish

Holly and Polish is hosting a new giveaway, again! This time the winner will get entire China Glaze Cirque Du Soleil Worlds Away Collection! Awesome, right? ^^

This colletion consists of the following polishes: It's A Trap-Eze, Whirled Away, Escaping Reality, Surreal Appeal, Def Defying, Running in Circles, Hanging in the Balance, Water You Waiting For, Creative Fantasy, Bend Over Backwards, Igniting Love, and Get Carried Away!

Here is the picture of the gorgeous polishes

Anyway this giveaway is opened internationally. I'm joining it right now! Please join is as well! Here is the link for you girls : http://www.hollyandpolish.com/2012/12/china-glaze-cirque-du-soleil-worlds.html


My Flower and Gold Nailart

Recently i made french mani using gold glitter polish and some white flower stickers with gold accents.
The result was so pretty and elegant, and the design somewhat reminds me of X-mas nail design :)

I think i set the sharpness too high for this photo >< That's why it looks weird
Well, after i got the gold french, i put on some stickers to beautify the look :)

Can you see the henna tattoo on my palm? It didnt match with my mani so in the 2nd photo i decided to hide my palm :3

Anyway, it was my mom who choose the sticker, i was hanging out with her and stopping by at an accesories store, and she found this beautiful sticker. Love you mom! :*

Soon i'm going to post other photos of my recent manicure. I got chickenpox so i need to skip school, but i really have nothing to do at home :( So maybe i will just blogging and poupeeing :(
And guess what, there's something wrong with my old bed so i feel pain all around my body right after i woke up. I even can't breathe easily :( It's been twice i got pain because of my bed :'(

Have a wonderful day, friends! :D



Lovely Lue's Birthday Giveaway Review

Today i'm gonna write a post in Indonesian, sorry for my foreign friends! ^^v

Jadi hari ini aku mau bikin review about Birthday Giveaway dari blognya ce Lulu. Disini aku pilih hadiah ketiga, so langsung aja yaaa aku jawab questions dari ce Lulu :D

a. Kenapa aku follow blognya ce Lulu?
Pertama kali aku tau blognya ce Lulu itu dari si Lala (check out her blog here). Lala pas lagi bikin review giveawaynya cece juga. Jadilah dari situ aku penasaran, siapakah ce Lulu ini? *lebay dikit
Pas aku cek blognya, langsung jatuh cinta deh sama cece *apasih XD Jujur aku suka postingannya cece, apalagi kalo postingan tentang review makeup, haul, sama DIY. I'M A HUGE FAN OF DIY THINGS! Dan kreativitasnya cece tuh super awesome, dari benda2 simpel yang cenderung krik2 (lol) bisa jadi benda ala princess2 gt kalo uda disentuh sama cece :3 Ini yaa aku kasi beberapa link postingan DIY ce Lulu  buat readersku tercinta :

Nih cekidot foto2 handmadenya ce Lulu yang jadi favoritku

Aku juga suka roses+pearls+vintage things sama kayak ce Lulu :3, jadi aku always impressed sama bikinannya cece. Akhirnya aku follow blog cece, trus kalo lagi nganggur gitu langsung cek blog cece, meskipun ga ada postingan baru, aku cek older postnya. Tapi berhubung aku ini termasuk silent reader jadi cuma baca2 aja ga kasi komen. Tapi pokoknya aku ngefans deh sama ce Lulu c:

b. Kenapa aku memilih hadiah ini?
Sebenernya,3 hadiah di giveawaynya cece tuh menggoda semua, ya gimana ngga, secara 3 hadiah dari cece udah bermanfaat mahal pula, siapa sih yang ngga mau?wkwk
Tapi aku lagi sibuk2nya di kampus, ribet sama praktikum, bikin laporan, ngerjain peer, jadi of course ngga bisa lah kalo mau rakus ngereview semuanya :'(
Jadi aku memilah dan memilih dengan bijaksana *ceileh, akhirnya pilihanku jatuh ke nomer 3. Aku ga ngereview nomer 1 soalnyaaa ~~ jengjeng ~~ aku hopeless bisa menang -_-
Ya secara itu sarang burung walet gitu loh, pasti lebih banyak yang pilih itu, dan aku masi belum banyak ngerti tentang penggunaannya, takutnya misal aku menang gitu trus gara2 ga ngerti akhirnya ga kepake kan sayang ya, mending kasi kesempatan buat yang lain :)
Kalo alasan ngga milih yang ke 2, soalnya aku jarang pake makeup. Ke kampus aja ngga pake bedak, cuma pake vaselin di bibir soalnya suka pecah2 *melas.
Jujur aku suka liat orang lain pake make-up, atau beauty bloggers review makeup, tapi akunya sendiri kurang telaten gitu sama urusan makeup,hihi :3
Nah sekarang alasan kenapa pilih yang ke 3? Soalnya as what i've stated before, i'm a huge fan of DIY things! Kalo aku menang giveaway ini, dijamin hadiahnya bakal kepake dan ngga nganggur! :D
Bener2 berharap banget bisa menang giveaway ini, soalnya roses+pearls yang dari cece keliatan precious banget. Disini (kota Malang) mah roses yang aku sering liat cenderung biasa aja ya, pokoknya warna2nya kurang mewah gitu lah, kalopun ada yang bagus pasti ngga affordable, miris T T Nah yang dari cece kan mawar2nya banyak yang pink tuh, aku kan cinta pink, hihi <3

c. Post 2 foto hasil DIY
Nah berhubung aku paling sering bikin DIY pake felt, jadi aku post yang felt aja yaa buat cece cantiiik :)

^Ini strawberry cake cellphone strap. Sorry fotonya kecil soalnya ini sebenernya uda ilang filenya di komputer, jadi terpaksa harus snip dari poupeegirl ku (soalnya disini fotonya ga bisa disave)

^Ini strawberry cellphone strap :D Ini mamaku yang request, dan beliau suka banget sama hasilnya meskipun menurutku ga bagus2 amat,haha

Maafkan saya kalo DIY saya jelek u,u Dan maaaaf bangeeet kalo fotonya jeleek, maklum fotonya pake camdig, dan aku kurang pinter kalo urusan editing photo -_-
Ya maklum lah meskipun huge fan aku bikinnya masi suka ngasal, sebagai mahasiswa aku sering bokek pula makanya jarang ada niatan update bahan craft buat bikin yang macem2, hiks :'(
Dan yang jelas handmadeku masih super amatiran dan ga bisa dibandingin sama punya cece Lulu *yaiyalahplisdehnyadardong*
Itu namanya s_patis soalnya dulu ngidam pengen buka onlen shop jualan craft tapi ga kesampaian gara2 .... yaa biasa lah males,wkwk
Dulu sih pas SMP-SMA sering bikin kalung, gelang, dll pake beads tapi sekarang stop dulu karena belum ada niatan jualan, daripada bikin2 terus ga kepake,hehe
Tapi sebenernya sodara2 sama temen2ku suka liat handmadeku, jadi kadang masi suka bikinin buat mereka, asal lagi ga sibuk aja :)

That's all for today! Ini pertama kalinya aku bikin post pake bahasa Indonesia, ga nyangka jadinya sepanjang ini LOL. Aku emang orangnya rada cerewet, jadi buat cece Lulu cantik yang sabar yaa bacanyaaa :* Semoga makin cantik setelah baca postingan saya :D *abaikanplis

Pas aku liat foto dedeknya (disini yaa) cakeeep bangeeet, kayanya mirip mamanya deh itu, biasanya kan baby boy mirip sama maminya <3 Semoga tumbuh jadi anak cerdas dan berbakti yaaa! God bless!


Giveaway from Punky Pugs

Punky Pugs is having a giveaway! It's her first giveaway, here is the picture of the awesome things that the winner will get
Those items are amazing, right? There are still 19 days left to join this giveaway. Please click this link if you're interested!


Giveaway from Holly and Polish

"Holly and Polish" is hosting another new giveaway! This time the winner will receive the precious OPI Holiday Skyfall Collection!

This collection consists of the following 12 polishes: Die Another Day, The Spy Who Loved Me, Goldeneye, Casino Royale, You Only Live Twice, Skyfall, On Her Majesty's Secret Service, Tomorrow Never Dies, The World is Not Enough, Moonraker, Live and Let Die, The Living Daylights.

All the colors are pretty, don't you think so? I'm joining this giveaway, and i would love to let all of you know about this giveaway, so you can enter it here.
Don't miss it! ;)


Giveaway from glitter obsession

Join the awesome giveaway from glitter obsession:
glitter obsession: Color Club Halo Hues + Giveaway: Finally, right? I had to wait for a sunny day to swatch these babies, and boy did they not disappoint! It ended up taking me two days to d...

Giveaway from thelovecatsinc

thelovecatsinc is having a giveaway! join it here :
the lovecats inc // UK fashion, lifestyle and all other things: giveaway: for reaching 1000 followers!: hello and welcome to my 1000 follower 'milestone' giveaway! like i said when i reached the last one, everyone says exactly the same thi...


fat fingers la la la ~

Another silly keyword that i found in my blog stats. I dont think there is a special nail art for fat fingernails.
But i know there are some nail arts that are only for long nails or short nails, not fat or thin fingers :3

Reminder for Giveaway from Nailwish

Nailwish is having a giveaway! There are 20 days left to enter the giveaway. Join it here :




Today i found out something on my blog's stat. And I laughed off so hard when i read it XD

Who would search such a silly keyword like that on Google? I know my fingers are short and fat, but this is just too much. LOL



Awesome Giveaway!

Such an awesome giveaway from Spellbinding Nails, check it out here :

Sharing Giveaway: glitter obsession: China Glaze Bohemian Luster Chrome Giveaway

glitter obsession: China Glaze Bohemian Luster Chrome Giveaway: Hiya ladies! I've been waiting on this one for awhile. When I bought a set for myself, I purchased another entire set for a lucky reader to ...


Eid cookies

Here are some photos of my handmade Eid cookies. I know that it's too late to post something about Eid but i just want to share these photos with everyone :)

1. Cornflakes and Date Cookies
This one has unique texture compared to the other. It's quite sandy because of the cornflake <3

2. Coconut and Raisin Cookies.
I added some spices too, so it smells strong but yummy :3

3. Choco Cornflake Cookies
This one is the easiest. It's a no-bake cookie, all you need to do is just melt the chocolate and add some cornflake. Place it in a small cup and let it cool in room temperature.

3. Cheese Sticks
This one tastes so cheesy because i add much cheddar and edam cheese. But i think i prefer 'cheesy' cheese sticks than the 'salty' ones.

4. Chocochip Cookies
I use basic chocochip cookies recipe, but i changed the brown sugar with palm sugar because i can't find it in my place. That's why the color is a bit darker than the common chocochip cookies

5. Pineapple Tart
This is my favorite! This one is quite famous compared to the other cookies. Chinese people (mostly in Singapore) serve it during their New Year. This cookie has many different shapes according the preference. I always shape my pineapple tart like an apple, i cover the jam with the dough and make a round shape, then i put a clove on the top. The cloves also add strong scent and nice taste to my precious cookies ^ ^

6. Butter Cookies
This is just an ordinary butter cookie, but this one become my favorite too after the pineapple one. It has smooth texture and nice taste because it has 2 flavors, vanilla and chocolate.
My sister and I are chocolate lovers so we always want our butter cookies have chocolate flavor, because vanilla is just too ordinary XD

I'm a newbie in cooking and making cookies, but i've done my best in making these cookies. I know that they might look not so well-shaped but i think outer shell doesn't express the real taste, right?


Sharing Giveaway from Novice in Nail Art: 25 Follower Giveaway

Novice in Nail Art: 25 Follower Giveaway: Wow 25 followers already! You all are awesome, thank you so much for keeping an eye on my little blog! Today I'm doing my very first giveaw...

Little Review~~

Nice giveaway~! I hope i can be the winner XD
<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/4015909/?claim=nrh2mm4t89c">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>


another henna parade

Another henna photos, but this time the henna was painted by a henna expert, not me.

^My elder sister's

What do you think about my floral dress on that photo? I bought it together with my bestie. She bought a knee dress and mine is a long dress :)

^My cousin's

^ My younger sister's

We had our hands painted on my uncle's wedding. We call the henna lady to come to our house and paints our hands. It was super fun! :D

henna/mehandi parade ~~

Just want to post some of my handmade henna :)

Ok, this one is quite scary. All my friends said so XD~

I think the henna above was my best handmade
But unfortunately the color didnt turned out good

^The hand belongs to my 15 yo sister :)

^The foot belongs to my 8 yo sis :)

^The hand belongs to my 5 yo sis :)

^The foot belongs to my 13 yo sis :)

Hehe, you must be confused. I have 5 sisters :) And some days ago, 4 of my sis want me to paint henna for them. So i painted on their hands and feet and then i post the photo here. Sorry for the super messed up background! Please ignore it! XD


glitter obsession: Giveaway

glitter obsession: Giveaway: Hiya gorgeous! Good news, I've got a new giveaway starting today! I appreciate all the love and support and comments from ya'll, and the che...


lolita nail art

Hi guys! Today i'm going to post my 2nd lolita nail art. The 1st one was made a year ago XD
I post all of my nail art in fb and poupeegirl, you can add my fb if you don't mind :)

I bought 2packs of lolita nail stickers. I've used the 1st sticker with natural base color but it turned out ugly and didn't look so lolita,haha. So then i bought pink nail polish, and fortunately it suits well with my 2nd sticker. And here's the result.

All of you must be annoyed to see my short finger nails! XD I'm sorry, but i always feel uncomfortable with long nails. Anyway, if you take a look on my skin, you will see that it's somewhat exfoliated. It's because i wash dishes in the previous day. My skin is always exfoliated after i wash dishes (my hand's skin, not my body XD), it doesn't hurt at all but i think it's just annoying.

Anyway i tried newspaper nail art today but it turned out awful! I didn't noticed if my base hasn't completely dry but i just dipped it in alcohol and pat the newspaper on. So the paper sticked on my nails and it looks horrible XD


poupee cosplay

this is my 1st time doing cosplay using my poupeedoll since the looklet site closed.
my 1st cosplay is f(x) amber in electric shock teaser photo

And the second one is After School Raina in Bang!
They don't really looked alike, but i think i've done my best ^^